Welcome to Elementary Grades
Kindergarten students will receive a written narrative at the end of the first and third quarters. The report will be grouped into four areas of development: social-emotional, motor, cognitive, and language. At the midpoint and end of the year, students will receive a checklist type progress report that focuses on grade level expectations in language arts, mathematics, and social skills. Performance in art, music, health, library, and physical education will also be evaluated.
Students in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 will receive quarterly reports that focus largely on progress in the literacy development areas of spelling, reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science/health. Performance in art, music, physical education, and library are also evaluated. Work habits and social skills are assessed and reported via a format that uses the following keys:
5 The student consistently meets and frequently exceeds grade level expectations with relative ease, and grasps, applies, and extends key concepts, processes, and skills.
4 The student regularly meets the grade level expectations at this time, and, with limited errors, grasps and applies key concepts, processes, and skills for the grade level.
3 The student is progressing towards meeting the grade level expectations at this time, and nearly grasps and applies the key concepts, processes, and skills.
2 The student performs below the grade level expectations at this time. The student demonstrates limited skill in grasping and applying key concepts and processes.
1 The student does not demonstrate progress toward meeting grade level expectations at this time.
E Excellent/Consistently G Good/Usually
P Progressing/Sometimes
N Needs improvement/Seldom